The program is provided, without any express or implied warranty.
Under no circumstances should the author be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software.
The program is free, no tax or cost is required and its sale is not authorized.


In the restaurants of the Hotels, the waiter makes the commands ( Order of the table) to the customer, often losing time pricy.
Use a commands preprinted, to be left on the customer's table, simplifies and speeds up the whole.

CMR serves precisely to generate and print a comanda with dishes for lunch and dinner.

Here is an example of comanda :

Qui la comanda with reported by the customer the number of the table and the dishes he desired :
In it are printed :
  • Date and number of the table ( also usable as 15° dish )
  • dish ( 14 )
Instead of some dishes you can also enter the informative text.
In this case it was inserted:
  • **** PRANZO ****
  • **** Buon Apetito ****
  • CENA - - - > > >
To print the Comande you will have to use an A4 sheet.
As you can see in it will print more comande :
To optimize the A4 sheet, on the one hand you will print the lunch, while on the other side you will print the dinner. This process is not automatic and you will then have to generate (or upload) a new command for dinner and flip the sheets into the printer.

Here is the informative text "CENA - - - > > >" It suggests to the customer, that on the opposite side you will find the commande for dinner.

Main buttons

There are buttons that you will find in different screens :
  • Clicking this button will return back to the previous screen. Also pressing "Left" on the keyboard;
    1. By passing it on with the mouse, you can highlight this button.
      also pressing "UP" or "DOWN" on the keyboard;
    2. Click it to activate its function.
      also pressing "ENTER" on the keyboard ( if highlighted );
    3. Click it with the right mouse button to edit its text ( some ).
      also pressing "E" on the keyboard ( if highlighted );

  • Hover over it with the mouse the screen will scroll upwards.
    also using the mouse wheel ;

  • Hover over it with the mouse the screen will scroll down.
    also using the mouse wheel;
  • Pressing "F1" will open the dialogue with the corresponding controls;

Main screen

In the first screen you will find the following buttons :

  • The first of these buttons will contain the date and the number of the table
    ( In case of necessity in its place it will be possible to add a 15° dish ).
    While in the other 14 buttons you can insert the various dishes;
    Function : Access the Category screen.
  • Sets today's or later's 7-day date;
    If the inscription appears Update the date !! , clicking this button will update the date.   Also pressing "D";
  • access the Screen of Loading   Also pressing "L";
  • access the Screen of Saving   also pressing "S";
  • access the Screen of Option   also pressing "O";
  • access the Screen of PRE Stampa   also pressing "Space";
  • Select the language to print (   also pressing "F" ):

Screen of Category

In This screen there are 20 categories of dishes. For example there are 3 categories only for pasta, one for starters, one for risotto, one for soups, etc... But their name è changeable to your liking.

In It there are the following buttons :

  • Function : select its category and access its dishes.

Screen of dishes

In this screen you can select the dish to be added to the comanda.
At the top of the center is the name of the selected category.

  • Function : select the dish and return to the Home.
    Function right mouse : Access the Screen of the modification of dishes .
  • Clicking this button will add a new dish to this category. Also pressing the "+" key;

Screen Change Dish

In this screen you can change the name of the dish and its translations. Currently there are already some dishes, but it is up to you to enter your with the related translations. They all use the same "Arial" font, except Chinese.
The Arabic text ( Button 9 ) and Chinese ( Button 10 ) are still in phase of test, for this reason they may generate errors.

  • Function : edit the content.

Screen of Loading

In this screen you can upload one of Comande previously saved.
The first button called "Default menu" ( name not editable ) will be the one loaded automatically when the program starts. It is also useful if some dishes are always present in your orders and of consequence do not have to bring them every time.

  • Function : upload a command previously saved .

Screen of Saving

In This screen you can save the current comanda.
The first button called "Default menu" ( name not editable ) will be the one then automatically loaded when the program starts. It is useful if some dishes are always present in your orders and of consequence you will not have to bring them every time.

  • Function : save the comanda .

Screen of Opzioni

  • Function :
    1. make visible the inscription "Menù di";
    2. make visible the name of the day;
    3. make visible the date in figures;
    4. make visible the inscription "Tavolo N°____";
    5. change the text "Menù di";
    6. change the text "Tavolo N°____";
    7. Set which date ( today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... until the seventh days ) will be displayed when the program starts.
    8. sets the font "Arial" in bold ( excluding Chinese and Arabic languages );
    9. sets the font "Arial" simple ( except for Chinese and Arabic languages );
    10. Open the online manual ( this same page ).

Screen of PRE Stampa

In this screen we could view before printing the comande.
  • Clicking it will go from 3 to 4 Comande in the same A4 sheet.
        also pressing the "3" key or the "4" key;
  • Clicking it will decrease the distance between the lines.
        Also pressing the "UP" button;
  • Clicking it will increase the distance between the lines.
        Also pressing the "DOWN" button;
  • Clicking it all the buttons will disappear and will start the Stamp ( Print ) .
        also pressing "Stamp";

Example of comande switch from 3 to 4 on the same A4 sheet.


When you start à printing will open the screen of Windows for the printer   :
From browser you can set the scale and margins ( not in version Windows10 ).
Council of set scale a 100%   :

But hours the pages to print could be become 2   :

To remedy this we set the margins in "Narrow"   :
Once this is done, the screen should be properly adapted to the A4 sheet.
Otherwise try to make further changes to the scale and margins.
Alternatively, return to PRE-press and try to decrease the space between the lines, using the black button

If the page is now properly adjusted, click Print to print.

Once the A4 sheets are printed, you can print the dinner orders on the opposite side :
  1. Press "Left" to return to the Home;
  2. Create a command for dinner;
  3. turn the sheets upside down in the printer;
  4. Printed.


Once the A4 sheet is printed correctly on both sides, cut the sheets along the dotted line.

Attention The number of dishes for lunch and dinner should be the same, so that once the A4 sheets are cut, the orders correspond on both sides.
To do this in the main Screen you can add one or more empty dishes, by clicking the button with the right mouse button and leaving as text only an empty space ( through the bar sweeper ).

Finally, to speed up the A4 sheet cutting, it is recommended to use a cutter like this :

Install CMR on Windows10,
using the Chrome 70 browser

If you open CMR from the Chrome browser (70), you can install it on Windows10.
To do this click on the top right of the browser the three dots, then select " Install command Menu Restaurant PWA".
When it is installed you can use it without opening Chrome.

If you want to uninstall it open on Chrome the page of all applications ( chrome://apps ) and right-click the CMR icon and select " Remove from Chrome" :


  • CMR is still in its first version (updated on 01/11/2018).
  • CMR is a PWA: that is, with online code but with offline functions;
  • CMR is not suitable for creating the classic menu with prices.
  • CMR is free, but it may contain banner ads.
  • CMR can be updated by the author at any time.
  • Recommend to make a copy of your dishes and menus entered and saved.
  • Minimum resolution: 720x1018px;
  • You can zooming the view of CMR , from the browser menu.
  • If the file is not loaded in the print, return back and try again.
  • if CMR does not fully load, update the page ( not with F5 ).

CMR is provided, without any express or implied warranties. Using CMR you agree that under no circumstances can the author be deemed liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
You can post tips ( feeback ) in the Windows Store or on Twitter at @gamequiz_tk, thank you.

The program is provided, without any express or implied warranty.
Under no circumstances should the author be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software.
The program is free, no tax or cost is required and its sale is not authorized.




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