Gender : PLATFORM 2D - 3D
Levels : you can create your own levels.
Risolution : 800x600 .
Compatible with Windows XP and Windows VISTA, not tested on Windows 7 or higher
( some graphics cards may not be compatible with the game ).
The game is in ZIP format and weighs approximately 3.6 MB .
You can download and play this game for free.
Realise with Gamemaker 5.0 and Ultimate3D v 2.11.
Explore the various levels with Robotc71 by moving it left and right, jumping over the various obstacles and reaching the end of the level not before having collected all the hidden sparkles :
sfavillotti :
The program is provided, without any express or implied warranty.
Under no circumstances should the author be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software.
The program is free, no tax or cost is required and its sale is not authorized.
Download the program using the "download" button above.
Unzip file into a folder.
Start the game .
Select your language by clicking the respective flag
( English, Italian, French, German or Spanish ).
Click to start a game
( start - inizia - demarrer - start - iniciar ).
The number on the side corresponds to the number of games played.
At the end of each level you will access the scores page.
Furthermore, the game will automatically be saved here.
Press to load a game
( Load Games - Carica Partita - Charge jeu - Spiel laden - Carga juego )
Press to change difficulty and then game character
( easy - facile - facile - leicht - facil )
Only if the previous difficulty is completed :
Easy : with Robotc71, Only 3 hidden sfavillotti and 5 lives ;
Medium : with Mario Robot, 4 sfavillotti, more enemies and 4 lives ;
Hard : with Sonic Robot, 5 sfavillotti, more enemies difficult and 3 lives;
Press to open this page.html with all the information.
Press to access the level editor
( editor level - crea livello - creer au niveau - ebene erstellen - crear a nivel ).
Press or keyboard key to close the game
( exit - esci - sortie - ausfahrt - salida ).
These buttons are present both on the main page of the game and on the page after the end of each level.
Press to set the speed of the game
( default 300 - max 300 - consigliato 50 ) :
Press it with to decrease the speed of the game.
Press it with to increase its speed .
For a powerful computer, a value of 50 is recommended.
Press to decrease the graphic quality, but increase the number of FPS
( to be used in case of slowdowns )
The characters will decrease their polygons and the number of particles will be fewer.
Lod 1 equals the highest quality.
Lod 4 equals the minimum of quality.
Use the directional arrows to move the character left or right.
Press or for a small jump.
Press or for a big jump. E' possibile fare un salto continuo tenendo sempre premuto i tasti del salto.
This is recommended if you are above a cloud or to jump onto a wall.
Press to pause the game .
Press to close any message .
Collect all the Sfavillotti in the level
( their number varies based on the difficulty of the game 3 - 4 - 5 )
Be careful of the Mushrooms because they could hit you.
However, you can eliminate them by jumping over their heads.
Jump above the clouds to reach unexplored places. Be careful, it will hold you for a short time
... keep jumping if you don't want to fall into the void.
Bonus mushroom will give you 100 points if you manage to collect it.
When you find yourself under it, jump to destroy it. You will receive a bonus ( coin, mushroom, star ).
Wall : Jump on it to destroy it.
This wall is indestructible.
This ice cube tends to lift when you are on top of it, you will have little time before falling into the void.
If collected, the star will give you an extra life.
If collected, the coin will give you 100 points.
If you get hit by the White Octopus you will lose a life.
If you are hit by the Missile you will lose a life.
If you hit the Carnivorous Plant you will lose a life.
However, if you jump on it you will destroy it.
Inside the game folder you will find the option.txt file which contains these variables :
LoD function, it can be set to 100, 70, 40, 10.
Password to play on Medium difficulty.
Password to play on Hard difficulty.
Number of games played so far.
Language set ( 0:English; 1:Italian; 2:French; 3:German; 4:Spanish; ).
Name of the level to load into the level editor.
Number of room_speed ( max game speed: 300, min 10 );
Once you have completed the game in easy mode, you can access the room for creating custom levels :
On the left side of the screen you have 6 main buttons and one secondary button
( if clicked it will hide the 6 buttons )
By clicking the first button you will see buttons to add any 3D object related to the game ( image below ).
This row of buttons when clicked will add 3D objects that can collide and influence the position of the game character.
The second row of buttons ( green ) will add background and decorative objects which will not affect the game character.
The subsequent buttons ( purple ) will add the "coins", the "bonus star" and the "sparkles" respectively
( add 5 in each level ).
The buttons ( black ) will be used to add enemies.
it will be created later from the Tube object.
instead it will fire missiles.
creates Robot-Sonic allowing you to test ( but not modify ) the level in the HARD version.
Destroy Robot to return to the previous mode.
will display the environment buttons :
Via the button
right or left mouse button will increase or decrease their values .
determine the color of the background ( background ).
will allow you to add an external image present in the Background folder as a background.
will add rain and snow particles ( and related sounds ) to the game.
adds or removes fog ( OFF / ON ).
color of the fog.
distance of the fog from the view
( camera ), a good value is of 700 x 720.
color of the ambient light.
determines the color of 3d objects : Floor640 and Floor64
As you can see some buttons end with
R ( red ) , G ( green ) o per B ( blue ).
Their maximum value is 255 after which they will return to 0.
The color of the button is influenced by their value.
When you create a new custom level you will not have to add the finish flag because it is already present at the end of the level :
A level is 5000 pixels long, to move left or right click repeatedly
o ( directional arrows ).
Press and of the keyboard to select the 3D objects present in the level ( some will be highlighted in white ).
Once selected ( or just created ), you can move the 3D object by holding and moving the mouse.
Release if you think its position is ideal.
Press to change the view of the game.
Click to save the newly created level.
Click to add SONIC ROBOT and test the level.
At this point you will not be able to make changes in the level, unless you first delete the SONIC ROBOT.
The button allows you to deselect a previously selected 3D object.
The button allows you to load any level.
The button allows you to save the modified level :
You will be asked to enter the name for the new Layer
( must always end with ".txt" ).
To ensure that you do not overwrite a level already present in the "rooms" folder, you will be asked to confirm the name.
Now the level will be saved.
The button allows you to permanently destroy a previously selected 3D object.
Once you have finished creating a level you can share it so that everyone can download, play and modify it as they wish
It took 5 months to make ( having made it myself ) and images and sounds found on the internet which belong to the legitimate owners were used.
Some images and sprites referring to Nintendo games;